Thursday, November 12, 2015

Genius Hour- First 2 weeks of November

Hi to all! I hope you are enjoying the progress you are making on your Genius Hour projects :)
By this time, you should be well underway with understanding where you would like your project to be by the end of March! It will be here before you know it and you have some holiday time coming up to really get some work done!

The post I am grading at the beginning of class tomorrow should focus on the work you have done the past 2 weeks on your project. I will be looking for:

-Title it "My Genius Hour- First 2 weeks of November 2015"
-200+ words of project work you've done
-a Photo or Video of you working on the project
-if your project includes a Twitter, Instagram, Website or YouTube channel, please have the URL posted in your blog post. (Even if you are not finished with it).

As always, persevere through... and if you have any questions, please email me or see me!

~S. Martin

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Hi "Geniuses" :)

I hope you are enjoying the research involved in your Genius Hour project! I love reading about the progress in your blogs.

For the Blog due on Oct 16th, please include the following:

1. Tell me about what you have accomplished in the past 2 weeks. This can be research you have done, websites you have started, new blogs spots you have created, etc.
2. Include a photograph of you and something to do with your blog.
3. Lastly, include project ideas for the upcoming weeks and where you think those ideas will take you in your project.

***Minimum word count of 300 words*****

Happy blogging,
Mrs. Martin

Week 1 Blogs :)

This Blog was Due on October 1st. It should state what all you have worked on from Friday Sept 25th in class, until Oct 1st when the blog was due and on time :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Genius Hour Proposal

Genius Hour & Expectations

As stated in the Genius Hour letter that is glued to the inside back cover of your INB, your project should revolve around an idea or question that will make an impact somehow in our society. It is NOT a science project where you are trying to prove or disprove a theory. You really need to think about how your big idea can make a difference, whether it be for another individual, a group of people (young or old), our class, our school, our county, or even on our entire nation.

For this blog post, I would like you to contemplate the Brainstorms that I have had you do. Then create a new blog post labeled "Genius Hour Proposal."

Your proposal should be multiple paragraph format and use 350-500 words. It needs to answer each of the 5 questions below:

1.     I need to TEACH, PERSUADE, LEARN, and/or CHANGE something. What will that be?
2.     What is the impact that my project will have on others (peers, adults, society, etc.)?
3.     What research do I need, what information do I need to know, before I can  TEACH, PERSUADE, LEARN, AND/OR CHANGE members of my intended audience?
4.     Is the information that I find and present relevant and what affect will it have?
5.     My overall Genius Hour question is:

(Ex: How can I ________________ by ___________________?) Like a Higher Order Essential Question

Monday, August 24, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year.  Your first blog will be a little introduction about you. At the end of that blog, I would like for you to state that "the first writing assignment in ELA for this school year was to write a personal narrative about a stressor you experienced as a 6th grader and how you overcame those stressors that year....that it gets better!"

Then copy paste your edited narrative to your blog.